Gong Huiling Secretary of the Party Committee She leads the School’s CPC committee and her responsibilities mainly include: party development, ideological and political education, publicity, united front work, retirees, labor union, alumni association, rule-of-law governance, epidemic prevention and control, and rural revitalization work. Email:gonghuiling@hfut.edu.cn Telephone:0551-62903170 |
Gao Weiqing Executive Dean He oversees the School’s comprehensive administrative work, and is mainly responsible for academic development, scientific research and laboratory, talent recruitment, faculty development, international cooperation and exchanges, and asset management. Email:gaoweiqing@hfut.edu.cn Telephone:0551-62903227 |
Chen Dawei Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission He oversees various aspects of student development and campus affairs, including ideological and political education, discipline inspection, the School’s labor union committee, supervision of teaching ethics, and providing support for graduate management, alumni association, and promotional efforts. Email:chendawei@hfut.edu.cn Telephone:0551-62903361 |
Li Zhongjun Deputy Dean He is responsible for overseeing both undergraduate and graduate instruction, as well as guiding research and educational reforms, facilitating professional development, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship education, managing the development of teaching laboratories, and ensuring laboratory safety. He also assists in academic degree program development. Email:zjli@hfut.edu.cn Telephone:0551-62903102 |