
    • 姓名:叶永康
    • 职务:
    • 职称:副教授、硕导
    • 所属系:食品科学与工程系
    • 邮箱
    • 办公地点:食生楼1005(合肥)化工楼318(宣城)
  • 个人简介
  • 研究领域
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉奖项


1. 2001/1–2004/4,南京大学,分析化学,理学博士

2. 1996/9–1999/6,湖北大学,应用化学,工学硕士

3. 1992/9–1996/7,湖北师范大学,化学,理学学士


1. 2004/3-至今, 合肥工业大学,生物与食品工程学院,副教授

2. 2007/5-2008/5,美国亚利桑那州立大学(ASU),生物设计研究所(Biodesign Institute),访问学者

3. 1999/7-2004/3,湖北师范大学,化学与环境工程系,讲师

职务: 职称: 副教授、硕导
所属系: 食品科学与工程系 邮箱:
办公地点: 食生楼1005(合肥)化工楼318(宣城) 学术成果

1.Yongkang Ye, Shengquan Dai, Hongyan Zhang, Shudong He, Wanwan Hu, Xiaodong Cao*, Zhaojun Wei*. Ultrasound-assisted preparation of Maillard reaction products derived from hydrolyzed soybean meal with meaty flavor in an oil-in-water system. Molecules, 2022, 27, 7236.

2.Xiaodong Cao, Minli Liu, Jie Lu, Hongge Lv, Jinzhe Han, Shudong He, Yongkang Ye*, Xiangyang Chen, Zhaojun Wei*, Haisong Zheng. An ultrasensitive biosensor for virulence ompA gene of Cronobacter sakazakii based on boron doped carbon quantum dots-AuNPs nanozyme and exonuclease III-assisted target-recycling strategy. Food Chemistry, 2022, 391, 133268.

3.Yongkang Ye, Shuangshuang Ye, Zhangxiang Wanyan, Hao Ping, Zixun Xu, Shudong He, Xiaodong Cao*, Xiangyang Chen, Wanwan Hu, Zhaojun Wei*. Producing beef flavors in hydrolyzed soybean meal-based Maillard reaction products participated with beef tallow hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 2022, 378, 132119.

4.Yongkang Ye, Hanwen Zhang, Gulipiyanmu Kahaljan, Mingtai Wang, Asimu Mohet, Shudong He, Xiaodong Cao, Haisong Zheng*. Electro-oxidation and determination 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in food on co-electrodeposited Cu-Ni bimetallic microparticles modified copper electrode. Food Chemistry, 2022, 367, 130659.

5.Xiaodong Cao, Kairui Zhang, Wuwen Yan, Zihao Xia, Shudong He, Xuan Xu, Yongkang Ye*, Zhaojun Wei, Songqin Liu*. Calcium ion assisted fluorescence determination of microRNA-167 using carbon dots–labeled probe DNA and polydopamine-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Microchimca Acta, 2020, 187, 212

6.Xiaodong Cao, Zihao Xia, Wuwen Yan, Shudong He, Xuan Xu, Zhaojun Wei, Yongkang Ye∗, Haisong Zheng. Analytical Biochemistry, 2020, 602, 113798

7.Yongkang Ye, Shen Mao, Shudong He, Xuan Xu, Xiaodong Cao*, Zhaojun Wei, Sundaram Gunasekaran*. Ultrasensitive electrochemical genosensor for detection of CaMV35S gene with Fe3O4-Au@Ag nanoprobe. Talanta, 2020, 206, 120205.

8.Xiaodong Cao, Xueting Zhu, Shudong He, Xuan Xu, Yongkang Ye*. Electro-Oxidation and Simultaneous Determination of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Salicylic Acid on Graphene Hydrogel Modified Electrode. Sensors, 2019, 19, 5483

9.Xiaodong Cao, Xueting Zhu, Shudong He, Xuan Xu, Yongkang Ye*, Sundaram Gunasekaran*. Gold nanoparticle-doped three-dimensional reduced graphene hydrogel modified electrodes for amperometric determination of indole-3- acetic acid and salicylic acid. Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 10247.

10.Yongkang Ye, Wuwen Yan, Yaqian Liu, Shudong He, Xiaodong Cao*, Xuan Xu, Haisong Zheng, Sundaram Gunasekaran*. Electrochemical detection of Salmonella using an invA genosensor on polypyrrole-reduced graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode and AuNPs-horseradish peroxidase-streptavidin as nanotag. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1074, 80–88

11.Yongkang Ye, Jingqi Xie, Yingwang Ye, Xiaodong Cao*, Haisong Zheng, Xuan Xu, Qiang Zhang. A label-free electrochemical DNA biosensor based on thionine functionalized reduced graphene oxide. Carbon, 2018, 129, 730–737.

12.Yongkang Ye, Yaqian Liu, Shudong He, Xuan Xu, Xiaodong Cao⁎, Yingwang Ye, Haisong Zheng*. Ultrasensitive electrochemical DNA sensor for virulence invA gene of Salmonella using silver nanoclusters as signal probe. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2018, 27, 53–59.

13.Yongkang Ye, Jiaona Gao, Hao Zhuang, Haisong Zheng*, Hanju Sun, Yingwang Ye, Xuan Xu, Xiaodong Cao*. Electrochemical gene sensor based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with hemin-functionalized reduced graphene oxide and gold nanoparticle-immobilized probe DNA. Microchimica Acta, 2017, 184, 245–252

14.Xiaodong Cao, Jiaona Gao, Yingwang Ye, Pengfei Wang, Shun Ding, Yongkang Ye*, Hanju Sun. Amperometric determination of sulfide by glassy carbon electrode modified with hemin functionalized reduced graphene oxide. Electroanalysis, 2016, 28, 140–144

15.Xiaodong Cao, Houchuan Xu, Shun Ding, Yongakang Ye*, Xiaoguang Ge*, Li Yu. Electrochemical determination of sulfide in fruits using alizarin-reduced graphene oxide nanosheets modified electrode. Food Chemistry, 2016, 194, 1224–1229.

16.Yongakang Ye, Shun Ding, Yingwang Ye, Houchuan Xu, Xiaodong Cao*, Sheng Liu, Hanju Sun. Enzyme-based sensing of glucose using a glassy carbon electrode modified with a one-pot synthesized nanocomposite consisting of chitosan, reduced graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182(9), 1783–1789

17.Xiaodong Cao, YuxueSun, Yongakang Ye*, Ying Li, Xiaoguang Ge. Macroporous ordered silica foam for glucose oxidase immobilisation and direct electrochemical biosensing. Analytical Methods, 2014, 6, 1448–1454

18.Xiaodong Cao, Yongkang Ye, Ying Li, Xuan Xu, Jiachao Yu, Songqin Liu*. Self-assembled glucose oxidase/graphene/gold ternary nanocomposites for direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2013, 697, 10–14.

19.Xiaodong Cao, Yongkang Ye, Songqin Liu*. Gold nanoparticle-based signal amplification for biosensing. Anaytical Biochmeistry, 2011, 417, 1–16.

20.Yongkang Ye, Wen Wen, Yun Xiang, Xiaodong Qi, Jeffrey T. La Belle, Julian J. L. Chen, Joseph Wang*. Direct electrochemical monitoring of RNase activity. Electroanalysis, 2008, 20 (8), 919–922.

21.Yongkang Ye, Huangxian Ju*. Rapid detection of ssDNA and RNA using multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified screen-printed carbon electrode. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2005, 21, 735–741.


1.一种检测转基因成分DNA的方法及其使用的电化学传感器,ZL 2018 1 1652278.1.

2.一种用于检测5-羟甲基糠醛的电化学生物传感器及其检测方法,ZL 2021 1 0134193.X.


1.Maoquan Chu. The World Scientific Encyclopedia of Nanomedicine and Bioengineering II 1. Synthesis and Biomedical Applications of Graphene Quantum Dots. (Yongkang Ye, Xiaodong Cao. Chapter 5 Graphene Quantum Dots for Food Analysis). World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd. ISBN: 9789814667586, 2017

2.鞠熀先, 雷建平. 纳米生物传感:原理、发展与应用. (叶永康,第十六章 纳米结构生物传感及生物芯片在DNA分析中的应用),科学出版社, ISBN: 9787030347633, 2012

3.Huangxian Ju, Xueji Zhang and Joseph Wang. NanoBiosensing: Principles, Development and Application. (Yongkang Ye, Joseph Wang, Huangxian Ju. Chapter 16 Nanostructured biosensing and biochips for DNA analysis). Springer 1st Ed. ISBN: 1441996214, 2011
1. 生物传感方法

2. 食品安全分析及检测
1.食品中致病原核酸电化学快速检测关键技术研究及装备开发, 安徽省科技厅, 安徽省科技重大专项, 202103a07020003, 150万元, 在研, 校内主持

2.进口大宗农产品中转基因成分高灵敏核酸传感检测方法研究, 安徽省科技厅, 安徽省科技攻关计划项目, 202104a06020005, 50万元, 在研, 校内主持

3.低升糖指数即食中式面制品关键共性技术开发和产业化项目, W2022JSKF0112, 合作委托类, 30万元, 在研, 主持

4.进出口食品中多目标食源性致病菌超灵敏生物传感检测方法研究, 安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(社发领域), 202004a07020038, 30万, 在研, 校内主持

5.酱卤肉制品的肽风味调控生产关键技术研究及示范,安徽省科技重大专项项目(大别山贫困革命老区、皖北地区和省级以上贫困县产学研项目), 201903b06020007, 100万, 结题, 主持

6.植物蛋白配餐饮品品控关键技术集成和产业化示范,安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目, 201904a06020030, 50万, 结题, 校内主持

7.基于纳米结构-核酸识别的阪崎肠杆菌超灵敏生物传感方法研究, 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目,1908085MC98, 10万, 结题, 校内主持

8.食品中转基因植物成分在碳纳米复合材料界面上的电化学传感机理研究, 31772099, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2017, 30万, 结题, 主持

9.沐浴盐洁面乳盐研发及产业化关键技术, W2017JSKF0147, 企业合作委托类, 2017, 10万, 结题,主持

10.郜台板鸭深加工及保鲜技术集成的产业化研究, 1604g0702051, 安徽省科技攻关项目, 2016, 18万, 结题, 技术主持

11.高品质鸭禽产品精深加工及产业化开发, 15czz03114, 安徽省重大专项项目, 2015, 100万, 结题, 主持

12.基于纳米增敏DNA电化学传感的沙门氏菌快速检测研究, 1508085MC42, 安徽省自然科学基金, 2015, 8万, 结题, 参加
1.江苏省科技进步奖, 二等奖, 2009, 高灵敏核酸检测方法研究及其在临床诊断中的应用. 鞠熀先, 严枫, 雷建平, 赵建华, 张志洁, 叶永康, 刘志安

2.“三区”科技人才, 2016-2017, 安徽省科技厅, 服务对口单位: 阜南县, 安徽王家坝生态农业有限公司






