近年来主持或参与的科研项目 [1]湖南省研究生科研创新项目,CX20190283,2019-2020,结题,主持. [2]国家自然科学基金项目,52175087,2022-2025,在研,参与. [3]国家自然科学基金项目,51875182,2019-2022,结题,参与. 近年来发表的论文与专利 论文: [1]T. Chen, D. Yu.A novel method for enhanced demodulation of bearing fault signals based on acoustic metamaterials[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2022, 18(10):6857-6864.(中科院一区Top,IF=11.65) [2]T. Chen, C. Wang, D. Yu. Pressure amplification and directional acoustic sensing based on a gradient metamaterial coupled with spacing-coiling structure [J].Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2022, 181: 109499.(中科院一区Top,IF=8.93) [3]T. Chen, J. Jiao, D. Yu. Strongly coupled phononic crystals resonator with high energy density for acoustic enhancement and directional sensing [J].Journal of Sound and Vibration,2022, 529: 116911.(中科院二区Top,IF=4.76) [4]T. Chen,D. Yu, B. Wu, B. Xia. Weak signals detection by acoustic metamaterials-based sensor [J].IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21 (15): 16815-16825.(中科院二区Top,IF=4.33) [5]T. Chen, J. Jiao, H. Dai, D. Yu. Acoustic Weyl points in a square lattice [J].Physical Review B,2018, 98 (21): 214110.(中科院二区Top,IF=3.91) [6]T. Chen, W. Li, D. Yu. Broadband and deep subwavelength acoustic antenna based on Fabry-Perot-like acoustic grating resonators [J].Measurement, 2022, 194: 111014.(中科院二区,IF=5.13) [7]T. Chen, J. Jiao, D. Yu. Broadband acoustic enhancement and weak signals detection within a gradient acoustic-grating metamaterial [J].Measurement, 2021, 171: 108817.(中科院二区,IF=5.13) [8]T. Chen, B. Wu, D. Yu.Acoustic fault signals extraction via the line-defect phononic crystals[J].Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering,2022, 17(1): 1-11.(中科院二区,IF=4.06) [9]T. Chen, W. Li, D. Yu.A tunable gradient acoustic metamaterial for acoustic sensing [J].Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021, 49: 101481.(中科院三区,IF=4.73) [10]T. Chen, J. Jiao, D. Yu. Enhanced broadband acoustic sensing in gradient coiling up metamaterials [J].Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54 (8): 085501.(中科院三区,IF=3.41) [11]T. Chen, Y. Chu, J. Jiao, D. Yu. Synthetic Weyl points with various planar symmetries in phononic crystals [J].Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126 (20): 205107.(中科院三区,IF=2.88)
专利: [1]陈庭贵,黎文婷,于德介;一种梯度反射声栅传感结构, 2022-07-29,中国, ZL202111334025.1 [2]陈庭贵,王成勇,于德介;一种深亚波长微弱声源定位结构,中国,2022-11-28,ZL202111631579.8 |