在国际SCI/SSCI收录期刊及国内CSSCI/CSCD收录期刊上发表论文40余篇,并以第一和通讯作者身份发表论文20余篇,其中,论文(2017,Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, FMS –A级期刊,ABS3星,14-26,被引175)入选ESI全球1%高被引论文(证明见附件)、发表在论文Resources, Conservation & Recycling(SCI, T1级期刊,JCI-Q1,IF:10.204)期刊上的论文,获得RCR期刊2019年度最高被引文章奖,发表的国际期刊名录有Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice、Applied Economics、Journal of Sustainable Tourism、International Journal of Production Research、Environmental Impact Assessment Review、Business Strategy and the Environment、Resources, Conservation and Recycling, British Journal of Educational Technology、Applied Energy、Energy、Energy Policy、Waste management、International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications、Human and Ecological Risk Assessment、《系统工程理论与实践》(国家自然基金委认定A类期刊)等期刊,申请人研究成果得到了国内外学术同行的关注,谷歌学术中总被引5000余次。部分研究成果如下:
个人碳交易机制对消费者能源消费影响研究.系统工程理论与实践,2017,36(1), 77-85.(EI/CSSCI/CSCD)(国家自然基金委认定A类期刊)
个人碳交易视角下消费者能源消费与福利变化研究[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2017, 37(6): 1512-1524.(发表EI/CSSCI/CSCD)(国家自然基金委认定A类期刊)
The effects of allowance price on energy demand under a personal carbon trading scheme. Applied energy, 170, 242-249.(JCR1区,SCI,IF:7.9)
The impact of policy measures on consumer intention to adopt electric vehicles: Evidence from China[J]. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2017, 105: 14-26. (SCI/SSCI)(ESI高被引论文)
Institutional pressures and environmental management practices: The moderating effects of environmental commitment and resource availability [J]. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2018, 27(1): 52-69.(发表SSCI,Ranking: 2017:5/109 (Environmental Studies)(SSCI)
Policy implications for promoting the adoption of electric vehicles: Do consumer’s knowledge, perceived risk and financial incentive policy matter?. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018,117, 58-69. (SCI/SSCI)
Institutional pressures and product modularity: do supply chain coordination and functional coordination matter? [J].International Journal of Production Research, 2018: 1-14.(SSCI)
An empirical study of the Volkswagen recall crisis in China: Customer's risk perceptions and behavior responses based on an information flow.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2018,1-20. (SCI)
Environmental knowledge and consumers’ intentions to visit green hotels: The mediating role of consumption values. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(9), 1261-1271. (SSCI)
Extending the theory of planned behavior to understand consumers’ intentions to visit green hotels in the Chinese context. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(8), 2810-2825. (SSCI,)
Climate-change information, health-risk perception and residents’ environmental complaint behavior: an empirical study in China. Environmental geochemistry and health,2019,1-14.(SCI)
Public perceptions and acceptance of nuclear energy in China: The role of public knowledge, perceived benefit, perceived risk and public engagement. Energy Policy, 126, 352-360. (SCI)
How and when does religiosity contribute to tourists’ intention to behave pro-environmentally in hotels?[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2020: 1-18. (SSCI)
Participant or spectator? Comprehending the willingness of faculty to use intelligent tutoring systems in the artificial intelligence era.[J].British Journal of Educational Technology, 2020(SSCI)
The effect of environmental concerns on electric vehicles adoption behavior in dual-Distribution channel under the background of platform economy[J].International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications,2021(SCI)
Prick the filter bubble: A novel cross domain recommendation model with adaptive diversity regularization[J].Electronic Markets, 2022(SCI)
The influences of peers on outpatient physicians’ diagnostic scan decision-making[J]. Applied Economics,2022, 1-14.(SSCI,,JCI-Q2, IF:1.916).
Effects of personal carbon trading scheme on consumers' new energy vehicles replacement decision: An economic trade-off analysis [J].Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2023,101, 107108. (SSCI, JCI-Q1,IF:7.9).
李 军,吴华清,建设山水秀美的生态强省,安徽日报,2023年10月24日07版
吴华清,李 军,坚定不移走生态优先绿色发展之路,安徽日报,2024年03月05日