1、Ke Rui, Lu Wanbo, Jia Jing. Evaluating multiplicative error models: A residual-based approach. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2021,153: 1-12.(SCI期刊)
2、Ke Rui, Jia Jing, Tan Changchun. Robust minimum distance estimators for the CARR (1, 1) model. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2021: 1-17.(SCI期刊)
3、Lu Wanbo, Wang Yanfeng, Li Jungong,Ke Rui. A closed-form moment estimator for the vector multiplicative error model and its application. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 2019, 16(2): 200-210.(SCI期刊)
Lu Wanbo,Ke Rui. A generalized least squares estimation method for the autoregressive conditional duration model. Statistical Papers, 2019, 60(1): 123-146.(SCI期刊)
5、Lu Wanbo,Ke Rui. Some closed form robust moment‐based estimators for the MEM (1, 1). Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2017, 33(6): 559-574.(SCI期刊) 6、Lyu Yongjian, Wang Peng, Wei Yu,Ke Rui. Forecasting the VaR of crude oil market: Do alternative distributions help?. Energy Economics, 2017, 66: 523-534.(SSCI期刊) 7、
Lu Wanbo,Ke Rui, Liang Jjingwen. A moment closed form estimator for the autoregressive conditional duration model. Statistical Papers, 2016, 57(2): 329-344.(SCI期刊) 8、
贾婧,柯睿.免费义务教育政策与农村人力资本积累——基于CFPS的实证研究.教育与经济, 2020, 36(1): 19-30.(CSSCI期刊) 9、
贾婧,柯睿.新农保政策是否有利于农村家庭人力资本的投资--来自中国家庭追踪调查的经验数据.江西财经大学学报, 2019 (6): 64-75.(CSSCI期刊) 10、贾婧,柯睿,鲁万波,等.青少年时期的压力是财富还是灾难——来自“上山下乡”经历的证据.南方经济, 2018, 37(8): 128-148.(CSSCI期刊) 11、贾婧,鲁万波,柯睿.基于回归的时变偏度和时变峰度识别检验.统计研究, 2018, (11):116~128.(CSSCI期刊)