• InSeptember 1958, the Department of Chemical Engineering wasestablished with the approval from the Ministry of Higher Education.Two majors were put on schedule: Inorganic Chemical Engineering andOrganic Synthesis Engineering.

  • In1959, two additional undergraduate majors were established: PolymerEngineering and Rare Earth Element Engineering. The former majordeveloped into Polymer Chemical Engineering, Polymer Materials, andPolymer Materials and Engineering in 1977, 1985, and 1998,respectively. The latter major developed into Powder Metallurgy in1980 and was transferred to the School of Materials Science andEngineering.

  • In1966, Inorganic Chemical Engineering was established, and the nameof the major was changed to Chemical Process and ChemicalEngineering and Process in 1992 and 1998, respectively.

  • In1985, the Applied Chemistry master’s degree program was authorizedand listed in the “Provincial Key Disciplines” in 1996 and 2000by the Ministry of Machinery.

  • In1988, the Polymer Materials master’s degree program wasauthorized. It was combined with related graduate majors into thePolymer Science master’s degree program and was listed in the“Provincial Key Disciplines” in 2000.

  • InDecember 1994, with approval from the Education Department of theMinistry of Machinery, the School of Chemical Engineering wasestablished.

  • In1997, the Pharmaceutical Engineering undergraduate major was jointlyestablished with Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Independent enrollment started in 2003. In 2011, the major wastransferred to the School of Medical Engineering.

  • In1998, the Chemical Process master’s degree program was authorizedand listed in the “Provincial Key Disciplines” in 2008.

  • In1999, the four departments were established. They are the Departmentof Polymer Science and Engineering, the Department of ChemicalEngineering and Process, the Department of Applied Chemistry, andthe Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering.

  • In2000, the Polymer Science doctoral degree program and MaterialsEngineering MEng program were authorized in collaboration with theSchool of Materials Science and Engineering.

  • In2002, the Applied Chemistry undergraduate program was established.

  • In2004, two new master’s degree programs were authorized: ChemicalEngineering and Biochemical Engineering; two MEng Degree programswere authorized: Chemical Engineering and PharmaceuticalEngineering; and one part-time master’s degree program forMaterials Science.

  • In2006, the Polymer Chemistry and Physics master’s degree programwas authorized; the Center for Chemical Engineering Technology wasestablished; the First-Level Discipline doctoral degree program inPolymer Science and Engineering was authorized in collaboration withthe School of Materials Science and Engineering.

  • In2010, the First-Level Discipline master’s degree program wasauthorized for Chemical Engineering and Technology; two Second-LevelDiscipline doctoral degree programs were also established forMaterials Chemical Engineering and Biomass Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering.

  • In2012, the Industrial Catalysis master’s degree program wasauthorized. HFUT-Xuancheng campus started to enroll students in theDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Food Processing.

  • In2013, the Department of Chemistry was established. Two undergraduatemajors, i.e., Chemical Engineering and Process, Energy and ChemicalEngineering, were established for the HFUT-Xuancheng campus.

  • InApril 2014, the school changed its name to “School of Chemistryand Chemical Engineering”.

  • In2017, the HFUT-Xuancheng campus reorganized its majors andestablished two departments, i.e., the Department of Energy andChemical Engineering, and the Department of Applied Chemistry.

  • In2018, the First-Level Discipline master’s degree program forChemistry was authorized; the Doctor of Engineering program forEnergy and Environmental Protection was authorized.
