博士生导师 硕士生导师
- 【66】ZHONG Jian (钟剑),Xu Wei,Wei Kai,Quantifying Site-Response Effect of Spatial Variability Earthquake on Seismic Failure Mode of Long-Span Sea-Crossing Cable-Stayed Bridges.[J:Ocean Engineering,2023
- 【65】ZHONG Jian(钟剑),Zheng Xiang-Lin,Zhu Yuntao,Dang Xinzhi,Resilience-based Seismic Design Optimization of Bridge Columns with Dual-Replaceable Composite Link Beam under Near-Fault GMs.[J:Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,2023
- 【64】ZHONG Jian(钟剑),Zhu Yuntao,Zheng Xianglin,Han Qiang,Multivariable probabilistic seismic demand models for parametric fragility prediction of isolated bridges portfolios under pulse-like GMs..[J:Engineering Structures,2023
- 【63】ZHONG Jian (钟剑),Shi Longfei,Jeon Jong-Su,Probabilistic Seismic Drift-Based Capacity Model of Unbonded Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Columns: Prediction Model and Dispersion.[J:Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2023
- 【62】ZHONG Jian (钟剑),Zhu Yanyan,Mangalathu Sujith,Gao Kang,Probabilistic Curvature-and-Drift Limit States Predictive Models of High-Strength Bridge Columns..[J:Engineering Structures,2023
- 【61】ZHONG Jian(钟剑),Wei Yuanyuan,Liu Xiaoxian,An Efficient Method for Predicting the Residual Displacement of UBPRC Columns under Near-fault Ground Motions.[J:Journal of Earthquake Engineering,2023
- 【60】ZHONG Jian(钟剑),Zhu Yutao,Han Qiang,Impact of vertical ground motion on the statistical analysis of seismic demand for frictional isolated bridge in near-fault regions.[J:Engineering Structures,2023
- 【59】ZHONG Jian (钟剑),Wu Qiao-Fei,Zhu Yun-Tao,Li Jian,Zheng Xiang-Lin,Wang Yi-Xian,Full-scale segment model test and performance improvement scheme of cable-pylon anchorage zone for cable-stayed bridge.[J:Case Studies in Construction Materials,2023
- 【58】Yang Tao,Wei Yuanyuan,Zhong Jian*(钟剑),Potential bias of conventional structural seismic fragility for bridge structures under pulse-like ground motions: Bias evaluation and strategy improvement.[J:Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2023
- 【57】ZHONG Jian (钟剑),Zhu Yuntao,Yuan Xinzhe,Dong You,Dang Xinzhi,Pang Yutao,Risk-based optimization of seismic mitigation devices constrained by user-defined components importance.[J:Structures,2023
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