郑利平Liping Zheng


教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师







当前位置: 郑利平主页>> 学术动态

  • 2024.05 Our paper "Surface remeshing with preservation of sharp features through iterative identification and optimization of sample points" is accepted byComputers & Graphics.new.jpg

  • 2023.05 硕士生闵文杰、刘靖靖、李祥、胡斯哲、董钲琦从VIS毕业.Congratulationnew.jpg

  • 2024.02 Our paper "FuncScene: Function-centric Indoor Scene Synthesis via a Variational AutoEncoder Framework" is accepted byGeometric Modeling and Processing 2024(Computer Aided Geometric Design).new.jpg

  • 2024.02 Our paper "Raster-to-Graph: Floorplan Recognition via Autoregressive Graph Prediction with an Attention Transformer" is accepted byEurographics 2024(Computer Graphics Forum).new.jpg

  • 2024.02 Our paper "UGV-awareness task placement in edge-cloud based urban intelligent video systems" is published online inCluster Computing.

  • 2023.11 Our paper "Server Hazard Risk Awareness User Allocation in Urban-scale Edges" is accepted byIEEE Transactions on Services Computing.

  • 2023.10博士生刘恩生从VIS毕业. Congratulation!

  • 2023.09 Our paper "BubbleFormer: Bubble Diagram Generation via Dual Transformer Models" is accepted byPacific Graphics Conference 2023.

  • 2023.08 Our paper "MRGTraj: A Novel Non-Autoregressive Approach for Human Trajectory Prediction" is accepted byIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.

  • 2023.06 硕士生李涛、李宇、孙佳辉,博士生彭玉升、姚裕友从VIS毕业. Congratulation!

  • 2023.06 Our paper "PowerRTF: power diagram based restricted tangent face for surface remeshing" is accepted bySGP(Symposium on Geometry Processing) 2023.

  • 2023.06 Our paper "Role-Based User Allocation Driven by Criticality in Edge Computing" is accepted byIEEE Transactions on Services Computing.

  • 2023.05 Our paper "Accelerating surface remeshing through GPU-based computation of the restricted tangent face" is accepted byComputer Aided Geometric Design.

  • 2023.04 Our paper "PowerHierarchy: Visualization Approach of Hierarchical Data via Power Diagram" is accepted byThe Visual Computer.

  • 2023.01 Our paper "Criticality-Awareness Edge User Allocation for Public Safety" is published inIEEE Transactions on Services Computing.

  • 2022.12 Our paper "Modelling of Crowd Dynamics Considering Emergency Signs and Emotions" is accepted byAsiasim 2021and will appear in International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice.

  • 2022.04 Our paper "WallPlan: Synthesizing Floorplans by Learning to Generate Wall Graphs" is accepted bySiggraph 2022.

  • 2022.03 New website is lauching.

Selected Publications


UGV-awareness task placement in edge-cloud based urban intelligent video systems[Link]

Gaofeng Zhang, Xiang Li, Liqiang Xu, Ensheng Liu, Liping Zheng, Wenming Wu, Benzhu Xu#

Cluster Computing, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04305-w


Server Hazard Risk Awareness User Allocation in Urban-scale Edges[Link]

Ensheng Liu, Gaofeng Zhang#, Liqiang Xu, Wenming Wu, Benzhu Xu, Liping Zheng#

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1109/TSC.2023.3336846


BubbleFormer: Bubble Diagram Generation via Dual Transformer Models[Link]

Jiahui Sun, Liping Zheng, Gaofeng Zhang, Wenming Wu#

Computer Graphics Forum(Pacific Graphics Conference 2023), 2023, 42(7): e14984


MRGTraj: A Novel Non-Autoregressive Approach for Human Trajectory Prediction[Link]

Yusheng Peng, Gaofeng Zhang, Jun Shi, Xiangyu Li, Liping Zheng#

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2024, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 2318-2331.


PowerRTF: power diagram based restricted tangent face for surface remeshing[Link]

Yuyou Yao, Jingjing Liu, Yue Fei, Wenming Wu, Gaofeng Zhang, Dong-Ming Yan, Liping Zheng#

Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2023), 2023, 42(5): e14897(1-16).


Role-Based User Allocation Driven by Criticality in Edge Computing[Link]

Ensheng Liu, Liping Zheng#, Qiang He, Phu Lai, Benzhu Xu, Gaofeng Zhang#

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2023, 16(5):3636-3650.


Accelerating surface remeshing through GPU-based computation of the restricted tangent face[Link]

Yuyou Yao, Jingjing Liu, Wenming Wu, Gaofeng Zhang, Benzhu Xu, Liping Zheng#

Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2023, Volume 104, 102216.


PowerHierarchy: Visualization Approach of Hierarchical Data via Power Diagram[Link]

Yuyou Yao, Tao Li, Wenming Wu, Gaofeng Zhang, Liping Zheng#

The Visual Computer, 2024, 40:1499–1514.


Criticality-Awareness Edge User Allocation for Public Safety[Link]

Liu Ensheng, Zheng Liping, He Qiang, Xu Benzhu, Zhang Gaofeng

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2023, 16(1):221-234


WallPlan: Synthesizing Floorplans by Learning to Generate Wall Graphs[Project Link]

Jiahui Sun, Wenming Wu, Ligang Liu, Wenjie Min, Gaofeng Zhang, Liping Zheng#

SIGGRAPH 2022, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2022, 41(4): Article No. 92(1-14)


RAI-LSTM: A Social Relation Attention-based Interaction-awared LSTM for Human Trajectory Prediction[Link]

Peng Yusheng, Gaofeng Zhang, Jun Shi, Benzhu Xu, Liping Zheng#

Neurocomputing, 2022, 490:258-268


Task placement for crowd recognition in edge-cloud based urban intelligent video systems[Link]

Gaofeng Zhang, Benzhu Xu, Ensheng Liu, Liqiang Xu, Liping Zheng#

Cluster Computing, 2022, 25, 249–262


Power diagram based algorithm for the facility location and capacity acquisition problem with dense demand[Link]

Yao Yuyou, Wu Wenming, Zhang Gaofeng, Xu Benzhu, and Zheng Liping#

Frontiers of Computer Science, 2022, 16, 166709


A novel computation method of hybrid capacity constrained centroidal power diagram[Link]

Liping Zheng, Yuyou Yao, Wenming Wu, Benzhu Xu, Gaofeng Zhang

Computers & Graphics, 2021, 97: 108-116.

Prediction-Awareness Edge User Allocating in Edge based Intelligent Video Systems Driven by Priority[Link]

Liqiang Xu, Gaofeng Zhang, Ensheng Liu, Benzhu Xu and Liping Zheng#

ICSOC 2021, LNCS 13121, pp. 773–780.


STIRNet: A Spatial-temporal Interaction-aware Recursive Network for Human Trajectory Prediction[Link]

Yusheng Peng, Gaofeng Zhang, Xiangyu Li and Liping Zheng#

IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW 2021), 2021,2285-2293.

GPU-based efficient computation of power diagram[Link]

Liping Zheng, Zhiqiang Gui, Ruiwen Cai, Yue Fei, Gaofeng Zhang, Benzhu Xu

Computers & Graphics, 2019, Volume 80, Pages 29-36.
