[1]Shuguang Zhan,Resource-Directive Train Rescheduling with Cross-Layer Problem Decomposition, The 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Changsha, China, 2022.07.08-2022.07.11.
[2]Shuguang Zhan,Energy-efficient high-speed train rescheduling during a major disruption. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Beijing, China, 2021.11.03-3-2021.11.07.
[3]Shuguang Zhan, Energy-Efficient High-Speed Train Rescheduling during a Major Disruption, The 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2021), Seoul, Korea, 2021.08.23-2021.08.27.
[4]Shuguang Zhan, Resource-derivative train dispatching approach for balancing temporal and spatial capacity allocation, The 24nd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS24), Hong Kong, China, 2019.12.14 -2019.12.16.
[5]Shuguang Zhan, Integrated railway timetabling rescheduling and dynamic passenger route choice in a complete blockage, International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA2019), Hong Kong, China, 2019.05.20-2019.05.24.
[6]Shuguang Zhan,Passenger-oriented railway timetable rescheduling in a complete blockage,The 23nd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS23),Hong Kong, China, 2018.12.08-2018.12.10.
[7]Shuguang Zhan, Train rescheduling strategies in a complete blockage Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport and Transitdata (CASPT2018),Brisbane, Australia,2018.07.23-2018.07.25.
[8]Shuguang Zhan, Passenger-oriented high speed train rescheduling in case of a complete blockage, The 7th international symposium on dynamic traffic assignment, Hong Kong, China, 2018.06.06-2018.06.08.
[9]Shuguang Zhan, High-speed train rescheduling incorporating train stop deployment planning in case of a complete blockage, The 22nd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS22), Hong Kong, China, 2017.12.09-2017.12.11.
[10]Shuguang Zhan, Train rescheduling strategies in a complete blockage: compare the two rescheduling strategies applied in Chinese Railway and Dutch Railway,The 17th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2017),Shanghai, China, 2017.07.11-2015.07.13.
[11]Shuguang Zhan, Real-time high-speed train rescheduling in case of a partial blockage, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2015,Philadelphia, USA, 2015.11.01-2015.11.04.
[12]Shuguang Zhan, Real-Time High-Speed Train Rescheduling in Case of A Partial Blockage, 第五届交通运输工程国际学术会议,中国,大连,2015.09.26-2015.09.27.
[13]Shuguang Zhan, Real-Time High-Speed Train Rescheduling in Case of A Partial Blockage, Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport (CASPT2015), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2015.07.19-2015.07.27.
[14]Shuguang Zhan, Real-time High Speed Train Rescheduling Incorporating Train Stop Deployment Planning in Case of A complete Blockage,27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2015), Glasgow, UK, 2015.07.11- 2015.07.15.
[15]Shuguang Zhan, Real-time High-Speed Train Rescheduling in Case of A Complete Blockage, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2014), 2014.07.13-2014.07.18.