Rui Zhai, Zhao Yang, Yubo Chen, et al. Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Combustion Mechanism of Trans-1, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene, Energy (2019): 116087.(SCI一区)
上一条:Rui Zhai, Zhao Yang, Biao Feng, et al. Effect of Environmental Condition on the Flammability limits of Two Isomers of Tetrafluoropropene, Combustion and Flame 207(2019): 295-301.(SCI一区)
下一条:Rui Zhai, Yang Z, Chen Y, et al. Design Novel Environmentally-friendly Flame Retardants[J]. Combustion Science and Technology, 2022: 1-17.(SCI二区)