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Associate researcher

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1992-02-08

Date of Employment:2021-11-02

School/Department:Hefei university of technology

Administrative Position:Associate Professor

Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Business Address:合肥工业大学屯溪路校区逸夫楼929


Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China

Discipline:Operational Research and Cybernetics
Systems Engineering
Other specialties in Control Science and Engineering
Control Theory and Engineering

Lanlin Yu


Date of Birth:1992-02-08


Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China

Paper Publications

[10] H2 and mixed H2/H infinity model reduction for negative imaginary systems.

Journal:in Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Melbourne, Australia Dec. 2017.
Abstract:This paper addresses two open problems in the area of model reduction for negative imaginary systems. The first one is the H2 model reduction problem for stable negative imaginary systems, and the second one is the mixed H2/H∞ model reduction problem. Sufficient conditions in terms of matrix inequalities are derived for the existence and construction of H2 and mixed H2/H∞ reduced-order negative imaginary systems. Iterative algorithms are provided to solve the matrix inequalities and to minimize the H2 approximation error. Finally, numerical examples are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model reduction methods.
First Author:余兰林
Indexed by:Essay collection
Correspondence Author:熊军林
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-12-12
Included Journals:EI

