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Associate researcher

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1992-02-08

Date of Employment:2021-11-02

School/Department:Hefei university of technology

Administrative Position:Associate Professor

Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Business Address:合肥工业大学屯溪路校区逸夫楼929


Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China

Discipline:Operational Research and Cybernetics
Systems Engineering
Other specialties in Control Science and Engineering
Control Theory and Engineering

Lanlin Yu


Date of Birth:1992-02-08


Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China

Paper Publications

[9] Observer‐based distributed control of large‐scale systems under gossip communication protocol.

Journal:Asian Journal of Control
Abstract:This note is concerned with the observer-based distributed control problem of large-scale systems under gossip communication protocol. Random binary variables that satisfy a certain conditional probability distribution are introduced to a model gossip communication protocol. In such a protocol, each Subcontroller receives information from only one randomly chosen neighbor at each instant. Novel observer-based distributed controllers are proposed for large-scale systems. Based on Lyapunov stability theory and stochastic matrix manipulations, sufficient conditions are established such that the closed-loop system is exponentially mean square stable and the prescribed L2-gain performance is satisfied. Then these conditions are transformed into linear matrix inequalities. The observer gains and controller gains can be obtained by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, two numerical examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.
First Author:余涛
Indexed by:Journal paper
Correspondence Author:熊军林
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-11-03
Included Journals:SCI
