Zhiqing Yang
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Alma Mater:德国亚琛工业大学
Paper Publications
Dissipativity Robustness Enhancement for LCL-Filtered Grid-Connected VSCs With Multisampled Grid-Side Current Control.[J:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2022,38(3):3992-4004.
Virtual Damping Control Design of Three-Phase Grid-Tied PV Inverters for Passivity Enhancement.[J].United States:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2020,36(6):6251-6264.
Margin Balancing Control Design of Three-Phase Grid-Tied PV Inverters for Stability Improvement.[J:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(9):10716-10728.
Stability Investigation of Three-Phase Grid-Tied PV Inverter Systems Using Impedance Models.[J].United States:IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,2020,10(3):2672-2684.
Closed-Form Asymmetrical Duty-Cycle Control to Extend the Soft-Switching Range of Three-Phase Dual-Active-Bridge Converters.[J:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(8):9609-9622.
In-Depth Design and Multiobjective Optimization of an Integrated Transformer for Five-Phase LLC Resonant Converters.[J:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2022,37(11):13538 - 13553.
Port Controlled Hamiltonian Modeling and IDA-PBC Control of Dual Active Bridge Converters for DC Microgrids.[J:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2019,66(11):9065 - 9075.
Model-Based Fault Detection and Isolation in DC Microgrids Using Optimal Observers.[J:IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,2020,9(5):5613-5630.