Paper Publications
- [1] Yang Qian,Yuanchun Jiang,Jennifer Shang,Yidong Chai,Yezheng Liu,Why some products compete and others don't: A competitive attribution model from customer perspective:Decision Support Systems,2023):113956.
- [2] Xuemei Wei,Yezheng Liu,Jianshan Sun,Yuanchun Jiang,Qifeng Tang,Kun Yuan,Dual subgraph-based graph neural network for friendship prediction in location-based social networks:ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data,2023,17(3):1-28.
- [3] Hao Li,Yang Qian,Yuanchun Jiang,Yezheng Liu,Fan Zhou,A novel label-based multimodal topic model for social media analysis:Decision Support Systems,2023,164):113863.
- [4] Xuemei Wei,Chunli Liu,Yezheng Liu,Yang Li,Kai Zhang,Next location recommendation: a multi-context features integration perspective:World Wide Web,2022):1-24.
- [5] Zhe Li,Chunhua Sun,Chunli Liu,Xiayu Chen,Meng Wang,Yezheng Liu,Dual-MGAN: An Efficient Approach for Semi-supervised Outlier Detection with Few Identified Anomalies:ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD),2022,16(6):1-30.
- [6] Yang Qian,Wang Xu,Xiao Liu,Haifeng Ling,Yuanchun Jiang,Yidong Chai,Yezheng Liu,Popularity prediction for marketer-generated content: A text-guided attention neural network for multi-modal feature fusion:Information Processing & Management,2022,59(4):102984.
- [7] Yuanchun Jiang,Ruicheng Liang,Ji Zhang,Jianshan Sun,Yezheng Liu,Yang Qian,Network public opinion detection during the coronavirus pandemic: a short-text relational topic model:ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD),2022,16(3):1-27.
- [8] Zhiqiang Tian,Yezheng Liu,Jianshan Sun,Yuanchun Jiang,Mingyue Zhu,Exploiting group information for personalized recommendation with graph neural networks:ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS),2022,40(2):1-23.
- [9] Yezheng Liu,Chang Ye, Jianshan Sun, Yuanchun Jiang,Hai Wang,Modeling undecided voters to forecast elections: From bandwagon behavior and the spiral of silence perspective.:International Journal of Forecasting,2021,37(2):461-483.
- [10] Yezheng Liu,Yang Qian, Yuanchun Jiang,Jennifer Shang,Using favorite data to analyze asymmetric competition: Machine learning models.:European Journal of Operational Research,2020,287(2):600-615.
Doctoral degree