博士期间曾从事动态优化的算法和应用研究,目前的研究兴趣包括结合大模型的知识图谱构建,以及基于自动架构搜索的多模态融合研究;项目方向为结合大模型和知识图谱的智能问答,以及RPA数字员工。在学术兼职方面,担任安徽省人工智能学会因果与认知智能专委会副主任委员,IEEE国际知识图谱会议(IEEE ICKG) Web主席(2021-2023),AAAI、MM、ECAI、COLING、PRICAI、ICONIP等会议的程序委员会委员,以及多个国内外权威期刊的审稿人(包括10+本IEEE/ACM Transactions期刊、国内的权威学报《计算机学报》等)。曾获得华为智能基座奖教金,ICKG 2021 Service Award,参与指导的学生论文获得了IEEE国际知识图谱会议ICKG 2020最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award),ICKG 2022最佳学生论文奖(Best Student Paper Award)。作为项目负责人承担了国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金面上资助一等资助、以及多项知识图谱构建方向的合作项目。
[Mathematics] (SCI, IF: 2.4) Special Issue: "Data Mining and Machine Learning in the Era of Big Knowledge and Large Models". URL:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/special_issues/0UM1MFXF7R
AAAS旗下媒体“EurekAlert!”对我们的工作进行了新闻报道:NEWS RELEASE 9-MAY-2023 “New framework bootstraps processing of knowledge graphs for AI applications —— Unsupervised entity alignment algorithm saves human labor”, URL:https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/988659
Fei Liu;Chenyang Bu(通讯作者); HaotianZhang; Le Wu; Kui Yu; Xuegang Hu,FDKT: Towards an Interpretable Deep Knowledge Tracing via Fuzzy Reasoning,ACM Transactions on Information Systems(ACM TOIS, CCF A), Accept.
Chenyang Bu, Yunpeng Hong, Shiji Zang, Guojie Chang, Xindong Wu. Automatic Fusion for Multimodal Entity Alignment: a New Perspective from Automatic Architecture Search.Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME, CCF B). 2024, IEEE.已录用.
Chenyang Bu; Fei Liu; Zhiyong Cao; Lei Li; Yuhong Zhang; Xuegang Hu; Wenjian Luo.Cognitive diagnostic model made more practical by genetic algorithm.IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence(CAAI B类), 2023, 7(2): 447-461.
Chenyang Bu;Jiawei Zhang; Xingchen Yu; Le Wu; Xindong Wu.Which Companies are Likely to Invest: Knowledge-graph-based Recommendation for Investment Promotion.IEEE International Conference on Data Mining(ICDM, CORE A*, CCF B,长文录用率9.77%). IEEE, 2022: 11-20.
Chenyang Bu;Yu Xingchen; Hong Yan; Jiang Tingting,Low-Quality ErrorDetection for Noisy Knowledge Graphs,Journal of Database Management(JDM, SCI), 2021, 32(4): 48-64.
Chenyang Bu; Wenjian Luo; Tao Zhu; Ruikang Yi; Bin Yang.Species and memory enhanced differential evolution for optimal power flow under double-sided uncertainties.IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2020, 5(3): 403-415.
Chenyang Bu, Wenjian Luo, Lihua Yue.Continuous dynamic constrained optimization with ensemble of locating and tracking feasible regions strategies.IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation(CAAI A类,中科院SCI一区). 21 (1), 14-33.
Chenyang Bu, Wenjian Luo, Tao Zhu, Lihua Yue.Solving online dynamic time-linkage problems under unreliable prediction.Applied Soft Computing(CAAI B类,中科院SCI一区), 2017, 56: 702-716.
Shengwei Ji (学生);Chenyang Bu; Lei Li; Xindong Wu.Local Graph Edge Partitioning with a Two-stage Heuristic Method[C]. In: 2021IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS, CCF B类), IEEE, 2019: 228-237.
Shengwei Ji (学生);Chenyang Bu; Lei Li; Xindong Wu.LocalTGEP: A Lightweight Edge Partitioner for Time-Varying Graph[J]. In:IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2023.
Shengwei Ji (学生);Chenyang Bu; Lei Li; Xindong Wu.Local graph edge partitioning with a two-stage heuristic method[J]. In:ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology12 (5), 1-25, 2021.
Fei Liu (学生); Xuegang Hu;Chenyang Bu(共同通讯); Kui Yu.Fuzzy Bayesian knowledge tracing[J]. In:IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems(CCF B,中科院SCI一区), 2021, 30(7): 2412-2425.
Fei Liu (学生); Xuegang Hu; Shuochen Liu (本科生);Chenyang Bu; Le Wu.Meta multi-agent exercise recommendation: A game application perspective[C]. In:Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD, CCF A类会议), 2023: 1441-1452.
Lei Li; Pan Liu;Chenyang Bu(通讯); Zan Zhang; Xindong Wu.Fuzzy Ranking-Based Preference Completion via Graph Pattern Matching and Rematching[J]. In:IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence(TETCI, CAAI B类), doi: 10.1109/TETCI.2024.3359096, 2024.
Lei Li, Lan Jiang,Chenyang Bu(通讯), Yi Zhu, Xindong Wu.Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision with Graph Pattern in Big Graph[J]. In:IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence(TETCI, CAAI B类), 2022, 6(5): 1057-1067.
Bin Zhu, Meng Wu, Yunpeng Hong, Yi Chen, Bo Xie, Fei Liu,Chenyang Bu(第一通讯), Weiping Ding.MMIEA: Multi-modal Interaction Entity Alignment model for knowledge graphs[J]. In:Information Fusion(CAAI A类,中科院SCI一区, IF: 18.6), 2023, 100: 101935.
Jiao Li (学生);Chenyang Bu; Li, Peipei; Wu, Xindong.A Coarse-to-fine Collective Entity Linking Method for Heterogeneous Information Networks[J]. In:Knowledge-Based Systems(KBS,中科院SCI一区), 2021, 228(1): 1-10.
Tingting Jiang (学生),Chenyang Bu,Yi Zhu, Xindong Wu.Combining embedding-based and symbol-based methods for entity alignment[J]. In:Pattern Recognition(PR, CCF B类SCI期刊,中科院SCI一区), 2022, 124: 108433.
Tao Zhu, Wenjian Luo,Chenyang Bu, Lihua Yue.Accelerate population-based stochastic search algorithms with memory for optima tracking on dynamic power systems[J]. In:IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016, 31(1): 268-277.
Xindong Wu, Tingting Jiang (学生), Yi Zhu,Chenyang Bu.Knowledge Graph for China’s Genealogy[J]. In:IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE, CCF A类期刊), 35 (1), 634-646.
(2)华谱系统技术负责,2017.07 – 2020.12.
(3)HAO 营销系统技术负责,2021.01 – 2022.12.
(4)知海系统技术负责 2023.01-至今.
(5) 国家重点研发项目“大数据知识工程基础理论及其应用研究”