Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Business Address:翡翠湖校区科教楼A1003
Degree:Doctoral degree
Discipline:Communications and Information Systems
Signal and Information Processing
Other specialties in Computer Science and Technology
Dr. Bin Chen received the Ph.D. degree in electronics and communications engineering from the University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, in 2015. He is an Associate Professor with the Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China. During 2016-2019, he was a Post-Doctoral with Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. His research interests include developing practical and novel schemes for digital communication systems related to coded modulation, information theory, channel coding, network coding, and signal processing. Dr. Chen was the recipient of multiple awards, including CSC scholarship and the 2018 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference Best Paper Award. He is also invited to give 15+ invited talks to international conferences.
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor– Hefei University of Technology 2019 - Present
Research:supervise 10+ master students and co-supervise 1 PhD, awarded 6 research grants funding from NSFC and HFUT.
Teaching:Communication theoryandInformation Theorycourses. Organize lectures and designed laboratory demonstrations.
PostdoctoralResearcher- Eindhoven University of Technology 2016 - 2019
Work on PATRIOT-PUFs project:“Anchors of Trust in Resource Constrained Environments”, which focus on authentication and security for resource constrained IoT devices. Mainly investigate on efficient PUF post-processing signal processing:
ØSelecting and designing error-correcting techniques and protocols for PUF-based key regeneration from the noisy “chip-fingerprints”.
ØInvestigating and implementing the optimal multi-layered code design based on concatenated codes.
Work on NLCAP project: “Multi-dimensional coded modulation for maximizing nonlinear capacity in the optical channel”, which focus on developing novel constellation formats tailored particularly to the nonlinear regime of the optical channel taking into account the Kerr effect.
Work on ICONIC project:Increasing the Capacity of Optical Nonlinear Interfering Channels(, which use mathematics to increase the capacity of these fibers and guarantee faster future broadband connections.
Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering,2011 - 2015
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Postgraduate in Signal and Information Processing,2010 - 2011
Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China
B.Sc. in Electronic Information Science and Technology,2006 - 2010
Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China