曾任Electronic Markets客座主编,兼任DSS, ITP, IR等国际期刊的同行评议人。
1. Xiongfei Cao, Ahsan Ali, Abdul Hameed Pitafi, Khan, Ali Nawaz Khan. (2021) A sociotechnical system approach to knowledge creation and team performance: evidence from China", Information Technology & People, 34(7): 1976-1996
2. Xiongfei Cao, Mingchuan Gong, Lingling Yu, Bao Dai. (2020) Exploring the mechanism of social media addiction: an empirical study from WeChat users, Internet Research, 30(4): 1305-1328
3. Xiongfei Cao, Jingjing Yao, Xiayu Chen. (2020) Exploring bloggers’ switching toward microblogging, Internet Research, 30(6): 1811-1833
4. Xiongfei Cao, Ali Nawaz Khan, Ahsan Ali, Naseer Abbas Khan. (2020) Consequences of Cyberbullying and Social Overload while Using SNSs: A Study of Users’ Discontinuous Usage Behavior in SNSs, Information Systems Frontiers, 22:1343–1356
5. Xiongfei Cao, Ali N. Khan. (2019) The Stimulators of Social Media Fatigue Among Students: Role of Moral Disengagement, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(5): 1083–1107
6. Xiongfei Cao, Lingling Yu. (2019) Exploring the influence of excessive social media use at work: A three-dimension usage perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 46: 83-92.
7. Xiongfei Cao, Dan Wang. (2018) The role of online health community in reducing urban-rural health disparities in China, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(7): 890~899
8. Xiongfei Cao, Ahsan Ali. (2018) Enhancing team creative performance through social media and transactive memory system, International Journal of Information Management, 39, 69~89
9. Xiongfei Cao, Lingling Yu, Zhiying Liu. (2018) Understanding mobile payment users’ continuance intention: a trust transfer perspective, Internet Research, 28(2), 456-476
10. Xiongfei Cao, Ayesha Masood, Adeel Luqman, Ahmed Ali. (2018) Excessive use of mobile social networking sites and poor academic performance: Antecedents and consequences from stressor-strainoutcome perspective, Computers in Human Behavior, 85, 163-174
11. Xiongfei Cao, Jianshan Sun. (2018) Exploring the effect of overload on the discontinuous intention of social media users: An SOR perspective, Computers in Human Behavior, 81,10-18
12. Xiongfei Cao, Doug Vogel, Xitong Guo, & Xi Zhang. (2016) Exploring the influence of social media on employee work performance. Internet Research, 26(2), 529-545