[1] 驾驶员安全监测模型开发;
[2] 无人机视频图像电力设备缺陷检测模型开发;
[3] 视频水流速估计模型开发;
[4] 复杂环境火灾智能监测系统;
[5] 反爬虫模型开发。
[5] 艾加秋,薛维宝,朱雅喃,杨森,AIS数据辅助Transformer的双极化SAR图像海陆分割方法,2024-1-22,中国发明专利,202410088050.3(实审);
[1]Jiaqiu Ai*, Weibao Xue, Yanan Zhu, Shuo Zhuang, Congan Xu, Hao Yan*, AIS-PVT: long-time AIS data assisted pyramid vision transformer for sea-land segmentation in dual-polarization SAR imagery,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024,Accepted.
[2] JiaqiuAi*, Yuxiang Mao, Qiwu Luo, Lu Jia, Xing Mengdao, SAR target classification using the multi-kernel-size feature fusion based convolutional neural network,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2022, 60, 5214313.
[3] JiaqiuAi*,feifan Wang, Yuxiang Mao, Qiwu Luo, Mengdao Xing, A fine PolSAR terrain classification algorithm using thetexture feature fusion based improved convolutional autoencoder,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60, 5218714.
[4]Jiaqiu Ai*, Ruitian Tian, Qiwu Luo, Jing Jin, Bo Tang. Multi-scale rotation-invariant haar-like feature integrated CNN-based ship detection algorithm of multiple-target environment in SAR imagery,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, 57(12): 10070-10087.
[5]Jiaqiu Ai*, Zheng Qu, Zhicheng Zhao, Yong Zhang, Jun Shi, Hao Yan*, A SAR target classification algorithm based on the central coordinate attention module,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024, 24(2): 1941-1952.
[6] Zhu Yanan,Jiaqiu Ai*, Weibao Xue, et, al.An active multi-target domain adaptation strategy: progressive class prototype rectification,Information Sciences, 2nd review.
[7]Jiaqiu Ai*, Shaofan Hou, Mingyang Wu, Bin Chen, Hao Yan*, MPGSE- D-LinkNet: multiple-parameters-guided squeeze-and-excitation integrated D-LinkNet for road extraction in remote sensing imagery,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023, 20, 5508205.
[8]Jiaqiu Ai*, Gaowei Fan, Yuxiang Mao, Jing Jin, Mengdao Xing, He Yan, An improved SRGAN based ambiguity suppression algorithm for SAR ship target contrast enhancement,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19, 4018705.
[9]Jiaqiu Ai*, Zhengqu, Gaowei Fan, et, al.Synthetic aperture radar ground target image generation based on improved Wasserstein generative adversarial networks with gradient penalty,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2023, 17(3), 036501.