Academic Report Notice (Reference Number: 2024-04)-计算机与信息学院(人工智能学院) - 合肥工业大学


Academic Report Notice (Reference Number: 2024-04)

Release time:2024-01-09clicks:

TitleTEE-Assisted Crypto Solutions

Presenter:Dr. Guomin Yang

Date:Monday, January 15, 2024, 10:30-11:30 a.m

Location:Tencent Conference (ID: 572-285-241)


A Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) allows confidential computation to be performed on an untrusted host while ensuring code and data confidentiality and integrity. It enables a new paradigm to perform more scalable secure computation than pure cryptography-based approaches. In this talk, we will provide an overview on TEE-based secure computation frameworks and protocols, their underlining trust models, as well as security guarantees. We will also discuss how to build other TEE-assisted crypto systems which allow crypto and TEE to complement each other in realizing practical security solutions.

Presenter's Bio:

Guomin Yang is an Associate Professor at the School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University. He completed PhD in Computer Science from City University of Hong Kong in 2009. Before joining SMU in August 2022, he was an Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia. His research interests are applied cryptography and privacy enhancing technologies. He has a number of research works published/accepted by top cryptography and security venues, such as CRYPTO, ASIACRYPT, S&P, NDSS, TIFS and TDSC. In 2015, he received the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award. He is on the editorial board of Theoretical Computer Science and Journal of Cryptologic Research, a co-editor of the ISO/IEC 11770-7 (2021) standard, and a program co-chair of ACISP 2018 and ACISP 2022.
